Request for Donations - Urgent help is needed!

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Ami az iszap után maradt

The Csalán (Nettle) Environmental and Nature Protection Association appeals to everyone in a position to do so to contribute to the purchase of vitally important protective equipment. The Association would like to provide immediate assistance to those living and working in the areas worst affected by the red mud spill, coordinating with the local governments of the affected communities, particularly Kolontár and Devecser.

We would like to provide quick help to those living and working in the areas affected by the unprecedented, catastrophic spill on October 4, 2010. We are coordinating this with those working in the disaster area and Mr. Tamás Toldi, Mayor of Devecser. They emphasized the most urgent need for protective clothing and equipment for those working in the affected areas. Our Association would like to provide all residents of the affected communities with a protective mask (6,000 pieces) , 500 pairs of rubber boots and recovery devices, as much as needed.

About $5 (1000 HUF = 4 EUR) pays for 4 safety face masks with a dust filter, $26  (5000 HUF = 20 EUR)  for one set of protective clothing (one pair of rubber boots and gloves),

$26  (5000 HUF = 20 EUR) for one set of recovery devices (spade, shovel and hoe),

12 500 HUF = 50 EUR  for one barrow for those working on the field.

Please provide help according to your abilities!

Donations to the Association can be made to:

1. Bank Account below (with a note that the donations is for the RED MUD DISASTER)

Bank Account (in international relations): HU60 1160 0006 0000 0000 0297 8495
Beneficiary’s  Name: Csalan Egyesület

Beneficiary’s  Address: H-8200 Veszprem, Rakoczi F. u. 3, Hungary

2. Donate through PayPal by clicking on the link below

All donations received are allocated to the purchase and distribution of the above described equipment and we report the amounts received and their use in detail on our website. Based on the donations received as of October 6 and 7, 2010 the distribution of rubber boots and gloves and safety masks has already started. The Csalan Association considers providing accurate information to the citizens critically important, so we prepared and distributed flyers about the basic facts of the accident and priority activities for the first days.

Your donation is highly appreciated – no amount is too small!

Szalay Tímea

President, Csalan Association, csalan [at] csalan [dot] hu

36 88/578-390      
36 30/468-49-94