Situation Report - Red Mud Disaster

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A kolontári templom tornyát már az egész világ ismeri

In the view of the Csalán (Nettle) Association making sure that every individual affected by the spill has access to proper protective equipment is extremely important. All funds received by the Association were allocated to this purpose. Additional donations are requested in support of the protection of the people of Devecser.

The Csalán Environmental and Nature Protection Association acknowledges those organizations and individuals that chose to provide donations to the inhabitants of the communities affected by the disaster through the Association. To date donations in the amount of HUF 1,200,000 (EUR4,400; USD6,100) have been received that we used to purchase and distribute 40 pairs of rubber boots and protective gloves and 750 face masks directly to those in need. The donations also allowed us to provide tools for cleanup: 5 wheel barrows, 30 shovels and 10 hoes were sent to Kolontár. Considering that face masks must be changed daily, new masks are needed. Also, all inhabitants of Devecser must now wear goggles. Therefore the Csalán Association is planning to acquire further masks and protecive goggles.  Goggles cost HUF400, masks HUF275 per person and donations received to date or in the future will be useed for this purpose. Our goal is to supply protective equipment to all 3000 people who stayed in Devecser. The total daily cost of this is HUF825,000 (EUR3,000; USD4,150) for masks and HUF1,200,000 (EUR4,400; USD6,100) for goggles.


In support of the purchase of protective clothing, Csalán Association continues to welcome donations to bank account number 11600006-00000000-02978495 (with the VÖRÖSISZAP ADOMÁNY message) or online through PayPal. ( in international relations SWIFT-code: GIBAHUHB, IBAN: HU60 1160 0006 0000 0000 0297 8495, note RED MUD DISASTER)
More information:,

As commonly known, the wearing of face masks, goggles and other protective equipment is mandatory for all those participating in dam construction and cleanup and for the population, in the interest of protecting their health. Experts from both the National Population Health and Medical Service (ÁNTSz) and Pannon University confirmed that airborne dust in the Devecser and Kolontár areas exceeds safe limits. In addition, the material is highly corrosive and can cause serious damage to respiratory organs. A particular danger with corrosive alkalic dust is that its effects are not felt immediately, it leads in stealth to a gradually worsening condition.  


In the interest of informing the public Csalán Association also discributed flyers through its members  going from door to door. Beyond donations, people still in the area are also in need of good words and conversations that may also be lacking.


For further informations please contact:


Ms. Tímea Szalay

Tel: +36-30-946-0658

Ms. Renáta Kiss

Tel: +36-30-701-4622

csalan [at] csalan [dot] hu